A programme that celebrates and explores the coming together of French and Italian musical styles as pioneered by François Couperin and developed by Georg Philipp Telemann. The réunion des goûts was an idea promoted by Couperin in his masterpiece L’Apothéose de Lully published in 1725 and further explored a year later in Les Nations, a four part composition dedicated to the illustration and integration of these national styles. Perhaps with a nod to Couperin, Georg Telemann capitalised on this musical trend with the publication of his ‘Paris’ Quartets. This second set of suites, published in 1738, is more a continuation of the réunion des goûts, despite the French titles and forms.
Book by email to boasb1@outlook.com or phone 020 7436 0344
Prince for concert: £20 with just pre-concert drink, £35 with drinks & canapés after
Please specify when booking which option you prefer.
Concert starts at 7:30pm with drinks from 7pm
[ Payment info ]
Payments should be made to The Nicholas Boas Trading Co and go to covering the costs of the evenings and cannot be Gift Aided. Additional optional donations can be made separately to The Nicholas Boas Charitable Trust.
Bank transfers can be made to:
A) The Nicholas Boas Trading Co RBS Cavendish Sq
Sort Code 160030 A/C 1016 7670 Specifying the date of the concert
B) The Nicholas Boas Charitable Trust RBS Child &Co
Sort Code 158000 A/C 1064 1570
- We are not able to take credit card payments.
- Cheques should be sent to 22 Mansfield Street W1G 9NR.
- Payment in cash on the evening should be made to Bob Boas in an envelope with your name on it.